Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sony / The Prince's Rainforests Project Photographic Competition for Schools

Whether you are 4 or 18 years old, this is your chance to win photographic equipment for your school and national recognition for your images. Take a picture that you think best represents:

1. Beauty of the rainforests
2. Rainforests in your daily life
3. What climate change means to you
4. What trees mean to you

For teachers and parents who run photographic clubs at school, here’s a suggested lesson plan.

Enter the competition here

Judging Process
Winners will be chosen from the following five age groups: 4-7; 8-10; 11-13; 14-16; 17-18 years and an overall competition winner.

All winners will receive a framed print of their image and their schools will each receive a S-series Sony Cyber-shot camera and a Digital Photo Printer. The overall winner will also receive 100 postcards of their photograph. A selection of the best images including the winners will be made into eCards available for download from this site and will be displayed in an in an exhibition in the new National Geographic store in London.

Closing date
The competition closing date is 23rd October 2009. The winners will be announced online on 18th November 2009.

Please see Terms and Conditions for full competition information.

for more information visit the link here
if the link can't work then copy the URL below

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